“You did it!” Why You Should Celebrate Small Wins
She closes the cabinet door.
“I did it!”
She throws a piece of paper (or something that’s not even trash🤦🏽♀️) in the garbage.
“I did it!”
She eats all of her food.
“I did it!”
Currently, it’s my 2-year-old daughter Bailei’s “new thing” to highlight every time she completes something successfully (by her standards, of course).
No matter how small or seemingly insignificant the task, she always pauses for few seconds to pat herself on her back.
At first, I thought it was cute. Then, after hearing it for the 100th time, I worried that it may be a little braggadocio. However, this weekend, as she confidently announced her three favorite words again, it dawned on me—this girl knows a thing or two about personal development already.
Too often we run mindlessly from task to task—never stopping to appreciate or celebrate our accomplishments.
Most of us tend to judge our progress based on the grand scheme of things instead of cherishing our small wins. The truth is, it’s those small steps, when coupled together, that define big leaps on our journey. In other words, that “big” thing you’re working towards will only come as a result of the small, actionable steps that you take every day.
When you stop to identify your small wins, it increases you sense of gratitude—which has been proven to boost happiness and self-confidence. So, the next time you complete something seemingly insignificant—whether it’s attracting one new client, completing your task list 30 minutes early (or actually sticking to it for a change), take a minute to relish in it.
I’ve started logging my small victories in the Notes section of my iPhone. You can try this, or take a cue from Bailei by simply pausing to bask in the ambiance and vocalize, “I did it!”